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LI-COR Acquisition Software

Version 2.2

LI-COR Acquisition Software is a workflow-based software for acquiring, organizing, and adjusting the display of images for your Odyssey® Imager, Pearl® Trilogy Imager, or C-DiGit® Blot Scanner. Images acquired in LI-COR Acquisition Software can be adjusted and exported for publication or in-depth analysis in Empiria Studio® Software.

The latest version of LI-COR Acquisition Software is version 2.2.

What’s new?

In version 2.2, a bug has been fixed that caused some changes to Collections to not be saved.

Other recent changes, introduced in version 2.1, include:

  • Support for the fast and flexible Odyssey F!
  • Version 2.1 provides an additional channel for the Odyssey M Imager: the 700A. The 700A channel has an excitation wavelength of 685 nm and an emission range of 816 - 840 nm. Are you already using the Odyssey M with a previous software version? Simply connect to your Odyssey M using LI‑COR Acquisition Software version 2.1 to use the 700A channel in the Custom scan workflow.
  • The Leave button on the Scan page has been renamed to Home to clarify that you will return to the Home page when you click the button.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a non-functional scan area to be drawn if the right mouse button was accidentally pressed while left-clicking and dragging to draw a scan area.
  • And more!

See a detailed list of the new features here.

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