Matching funds (for the SURG program) are LI-COR awards that contribute approximately 40% of the funding toward the purchase of the Odyssey® XF Imaging System. Your institution is responsible for the other 60% of funding. Departmental grants, start-up funds, dean or president's funds, National Science Foundation (NSF), Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), and large gift donations are just a few examples of where to find alternate sources of funding.
The Odyssey XF will cost the institution around $26,820The Odyssey XF will cost the institution around 31.728,00 €The Odyssey XF will cost the institution around £27.984,00 after the 40% match from LI-COR.
The Odyssey XF is 41.4 cm W x 47.0 cm D x 67.3 cm H (16.3" W x 18.5" D x 26.5" H).
Typically, one course incorporates the instrument during the first year, and then additional relevant courses are slowly integrated into the curriculum. Many students also participate in independent study with the instrument.
Many instructors find that redistributing department funds is more helpful than getting alternate sources of funding. When funding administrators see that this technology will positively impact student recruitment and faculty collaboration, it is easier to get the necessary funding.
The only operating costs for the instrument are those associated with the cost of reagents and supplies.
The Odyssey XF can be left idle for a period of time, or run on a sporadic basis to fit your schedule. It can be idle for weeks or even months, without any special operational or maintenance considerations.