Science Undergraduate
Research Grant (SURG)

Bring Life to Your Lecture

Engaging Lectures and Innovative Research

Increase engagement and develop students’ lab skills by incorporating advanced life science technology into your curriculum. The Science Undergraduate Research Grant (SURG) Program awards matching grants for research instrumentation used in undergraduate education.

See the answers to frequently asked questions about the SURG program

A limited number of matching fund grants are available to eligible academic institutions. The SURG program provides 40% of the matching funds from LI-COR Biosciences, with your institution providing the other 60%. Get the tools you need to take your teaching and research further with SURG.

Odyssey XF

Odyssey® XF Imaging System

Show your students how to document DNA gels, image ECL blots, and detect near-infrared fluorescent Westerns with this versatile imager. The Odyssey XF SURG package includes an Odyssey XF Imager with free onsite installation and training, a Windows® desktop computer, LI-COR Acquisition Software, Empiria Studio® analysis software, and a Western blotting kit with your choice of blocking buffer, secondary antibodies, and membrane.

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“It was a lot of hassle to do Western blots before we got the Odyssey Fc...I could never show the students what was being done because it was in the darkroom.”

Dr. Debra Martin, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

"Students actually use the Odyssey Fc Imager themselves...The instrument is simple enough to use, and once trained they can work independently.”